About the Exam


  • The exam is based on the 2017 FDA Model Food Code
  • The exam is made up of 80 multiple-choice questions. Each question only has one correct answer
  • A scaled score of 75 or higher is required to pass the exam.
  • Certification is valid for up to five years; some jurisdictions may accept it for a shorter length of time. We recommend contacting your local health department to verify your local requirements.

Below are the content areas that will be covered in the exam along with the number of questions in each content area:

  • Preventing Contamination and Cross-Contamination (15 questions)
  • Ensuring Personal Hygiene and Employee Health (14 questions)
  • Actively Managing Controls in a Food Establishment (13 questions)
  • Monitoring the Flow of Foods (10 questions)
  • Ensuring Product Time and Temperature (11 questions)
  • Use and Maintain Tools and Equipment (9 questions)
  • Conducting Cleaning and Sanitizing (5 questions)
  • Managing the Physical Facility Design and Maintenance (3 questions)


The Certified Food Safety Manager examination is accredited by the American National Standards Institute under standards established by the Conference for Food Protection. As a certified administrator, you are required to ensure certain security measures are in place before, during and after the candidate takes an exam. Below are security procedures you must follow:

  • Each candidate must present photo identification prior to testing, even if they are taking the test immediately after a training session taught by the Online Test Administrator. The following are acceptable photo identifications:
    • Valid State Driver's License
    • Current Passport
    • Current Military Identification
    • Valid State Identification with Photo
    • Immigration and Naturalization Service Employment Authorization Document or Alien Registration Card
  • The test program must be the only open program on the testing computer.
  • An Online Test Administrator or Test Administrator must be in the room at all times while testing is in progress.
  • General guidelines for candidates:
    • There is to be no talking or moving around the room by candidates during the test.
    • There is to be no smoking, eating, or drinking in the room.
    • Cell phones and beepers must be turned off and placed in the back of the room or other secure location selected by the Online Test Administrator.
    • There are 80 questions on this test. Exam Candidates are encouraged to fill in an answer to every question. The score is based on the number of questions you answer correctly. An item can be flagged for review to be filled out prior to completing the exam.
    • The Online Test Administrator or Test Administrator(s) cannot answer questions about the items on the test. If a candidate thinks there is a misprint or error on the exam, use the feedback option located next to the submit button.
    • Communication with another candidate for any reason or copying or sharing answers during the exam is considered cheating. If any form of cheating occurs, the Online Test Administrator will stop the administration of the exam and notify NRFSP.
    • The candidate will have two hours to complete the exam.
    • Upon completion, the Online Test Administrator will print the score report.
    • If candidate does not pass they must wait 24 hours to retest.